An integrated narrative

INsights 059, Friday 4th October 2024

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Do we really believe in God?

Do we really believe that He created all human beings to worship Him, to serve Him, to know Him?

Do we really believe that being in a state of prosperity and harmony, individually and collectively, internally and externally, relies on being connected to Him?

Do we really believe that the time will come for us all to account for ourselves?

Do we realise that Paradise has enough space for all of us?

Do we realise that Hell isn’t a place where any of us could possibly want anyone else to go?

If our answers are all yes, then surely there is no reason, no excuse, no fear that should hold us back from making the value proposition of faith as clear as possible to everyone around us. 

What we believe, and the things we do in devotion to our Lord, aren’t secrets that we’re supposed to keep to ourselves. They are treasures that we’re supposed to share. 

Clear communication (al-balagh al-mubin) of the truth was the central task of all messengers. They said it as it was. We too need to say it as it is. 

There is no way for us to do that except by integrating the mention of God and the Last Day into our exchanges, our conversations and our collective narrative. 

As was mentioned in the last edition, Moses did this when he was sent to liberate the Children of Israel. (20:42-54)

Shu’ayb did this when he encouraged his people to be fair in their economic dealings. (11:84-85)

Lot did this when he discouraged his people from deviant sexual practices. (26:160-166)

Joseph did this when he was asked to interpret the dreams of fellow prisoners. (12:39)

They didn’t just mention the issue at hand. They didn’t just invite others to God. They did both together because that’s the only way to make the call compelling. 

We can't keep skirting around the edges of secular society, subconsciously accepting its premises, seeing the best-case scenario as being tolerated as a minority whose views and convictions remain unappreciated or, worse still, unknown. 

We can’t keep writing every “non-Muslim” off as someone who can never get where we’re coming from. 

We can’t keep saying that because others are uncomfortable with hearing any talk of the divine, we will therefore cease to say His name or convey His message. 

Are we more concerned about our alienation from them or their alienation from God?

In their worldview, He might be secondary or not even exist. 

In our worldview, He is the entire point of everything, the beginning and end of it all. 

The minority mentality must stop. Especially when we are in fact in the majority, aligned in our submission to God with pretty much everything else in the entire universe. (22:18)

Why do we keep restricting our narrative to fit the confines of the momentarily dominant paradigm of falsehood, instead of liberating ourselves and others through the ultimate paradigm of truth?

What have we become? Why so shy? Why so weak? Why so dismissive of our responsibility and our potential?

We need to know why we believe, why it makes sense, why it’s beneficial and then make the case for all to hear, in a language they understand. 

If submission to God is a necessary foundation for a sound moral and ethical framework upon which to build our lives, then let’s make this clear. 

If submission to God is a necessary pre-requisite for a balanced economy and sustainable environment, then let’s show why this is the case and propose solutions for everyone’s benefit. 

If submission to God is a necessary basis for a decent, respectful culture that protects and promotes wellbeing, then let’s experience this ourselves and invite others to participate in the gains. 

Either we believe we have something valuable to offer or we don’t. 

If we don’t, or we’re not sure, then clearly we need to go back to the drawing board and start figuring things out again from scratch. 

If we do, but we’re still holding back for fear of coming across as weirdos or because we are embroiled in self-doubt, then hold back no longer. 

“Do you fear them? God is more worthy of being feared if indeed you are believers.” (9:13)

Whoever you are, and whatever your position in society happens to be, you can contribute to this endeavour based on your own level of knowledge and capability. 

As your experience and understanding both develop, you can take your efforts to greater heights. 

But if you never begin, you’ll never get anywhere. 

Don’t be shy of who you are. 

Don’t let your natural concern for the fate of others remain hidden.

Don’t underestimate your potential as an ambassador for God. 

We have the truth. 

We just need to keep developing and disseminating an integrated narrative that makes it as clear and as compelling as possible. 

Be bold and creative in starting or continuing to find ways to showcase the value of faith to others. 

Don't wait to be spoon-fed solutions.

Once you understand the overarching principles, the person who knows best how you should move forward is you. 

So introspect and evaluate your opportunities. 

Generate ideas with your family members and friends. 

Collaborate, produce, engage and serve. 

Starting today. 

Until next time.  




Before you go... 

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Have a blessed week. I'll send you the next edition next Friday, God willing. 

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