The biggest sunnah of them all

INsights 050, Friday 2nd August 2024

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In an attempt to “follow the sunnah” some people can get lost in prioritising the micro aspects of prophetic practice. They obsess with the particulars at the expense of the bigger picture. 

In doing so, the sad irony is that they miss or undervalue the importance of following the biggest sunnah of them all: conveying the message of monotheism to everyone around you in the clearest, most courageous and consistent way possible. 

It can’t be right to pay close attention to all the little things that were part and parcel of prophetic life whilst also forgetting, and failing to emulate, his example in relation to the overall purpose for which he was sent in the first place. 

Let’s turn to a selection of nine sets of verses from revelation to see how God Himself reminds His final messenger – peace be upon him – and reminds us too, of his universal role. 

If you feel any resistance to the importance and urgency of us adopting a similarly universal approach - as I've been advocating in recent editions of this newsletter - these verses should help get you over the line. 

They clearly show that the prophetic mandate was an all-embracing one, and that he had deep concern for all members of his society and beyond, as we should too.

1️⃣ Say [Prophet], ‘People, I am the Messenger of God to you all, from Him who has control over the heavens and the earth. There is no God but Him; He gives life and death, so believe in God and His Messenger, the unlettered prophet who believes in God and His words, and follow him so that you may find guidance.’ Chapter 7, The Heights, Verse 158.

2️⃣ It was only as a mercy that We sent you [Prophet] to all people. Say, ‘What is revealed to me is that your God is one God — will you submit to Him?’ But if they turn away, say, ‘I have proclaimed the message fairly to you all. I do not know whether the judgement you are promised is near or far, but He knows what you reveal and conceal.’ Chapter 21, The Prophets, Verses 107-110.

3️⃣ We have sent you [Prophet] only to bring good news and warning to all people, but most of them do not understand. Chapter 34, Saba’, Verse 28.

4️⃣ Blessed is He who has sent the Criterion down to His servant so that he may be a warner to all people. Chapter 25, The Criterion, Verse 1.

5️⃣ Alif Lam Ra; this is a Scripture which We have sent down to you [Prophet] so that, with their Lord’s permission, you may bring people from the depths of darkness into light, to the path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy One. Chapter 14, Abraham Verse 1.

6️⃣ Anything good that happens to you [Prophet] is from God; anything bad is [ultimately] from yourself. We have sent you as a messenger to people; God is sufficient witness. Chapter 4, Women, Verse 79.

7️⃣ People, the Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe — that is best for you — for even if you disbelieve, all that is in the heavens and the earth still belongs to God, and He is all knowing and all wise. Chapter 4, Women, Verse 170.

8️⃣ It is He who raised a messenger, among the people who had no Scripture, to recite His revelations to them, to purify them and teach the Scripture and wisdom — before that they were clearly astray — to them and others yet to join them. He is the Almighty, the Wise: such is God’s favour that He grants to whoever He will; God’s favour is immense. Chapter 62, The Day of Congregation, Verses 2-4.

9️⃣ A Messenger has come to you from among yourselves. Your suffering distresses him: he is deeply concerned for you and full of kindness and mercy towards the believers. Chapter 9, Repentance, Verse 128.

I shuddered a little and got goosebumps when reading these words. 

That said, it’s quite possible that even if you were also impacted by them, you might not have learned much that is completely new to you. 

Of course the final messenger was sent to invite all people to believe in God. 

Of course he cared for all those around him.

Well that’s the thing: if it’s so obvious and if it was so central to the prophetic way, why does it feel like such a stretch, or so novel, or so secondary, to adopt this open approach ourselves, in our time, in our place?

It’s only because we’ve lost our true sense of purpose and become so used to convenient, insular, defensive thinking and action.

The exclusive pursuit of a narrow “Muslim community” approach to public engagement isn’t just inauthentic. 

Despite being well-intended, it can even be damaging to the wonderful and inspiring prophetic agenda that we exist to continue promoting long after he passed away.

Peace and blessings be upon him.

Peace and blessings be upon you too. 

Until next time.



Before you go... 

Do let me know how you found this edition of INsights by clicking on one of the words below, after which you can leave some further feedback. I do read all your comments, even though I can't reply to them all unfortunately.







In putting this edition of INsights together, I was aided by a recent book published by a good friend, called The Qur'anic Sunnah. It compiles all the verses from revelation that give us an insight into the life and practice of the final messenger, peace be upon him. It's certainly worth checking out. 

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Have a blessed week. I'll send you the next edition next Friday, God willing. 

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