Assalamu-alaikum, Peace be upon you.
Ever since I started teaching Transform My Prayer back in 2019, and especially since I’ve devoted myself fully to teaching prayer, revelation and leadership since last November, many of you have kindly reached out and contributed to support my work and increase its impact and scale.
In addition to income from course fees, these contributions have been crucial as they have funded hundreds of bursaries for those who cannot afford to pay for courses. This way, money is never a barrier for someone to access my content.
They have also helped to cover increasing costs related to content production, marketing and administration, as well as allowing me to bring on additional team members to help manage the increased workload of serving significantly greater numbers of people.
If you’ve benefited from my videos, courses, newsletters, eBooks or any other initiatives, then would you like to make a contribution this Ramadan and support me in the mission to help thousands of fellow believers lead more God-centred lives?
You will share in the reward and blessings of helping more people achieve higher quality and more consistent prayers, gain a deeper understanding of their Lord through revelation, as well as lead more meaningful and purposeful lives.
Yes, I’d like to support the mission!
And now for some insights...
Searching for laylatul-qadr is a treasure hunt like no other.
Aren’t we so fortunate to be able to participate in it once more?
Since the timing of this edition of INsights coincides with the start of the last ten days and nights of Ramadan, I’m sending it a little early and interrupting the normal structure of this newsletter.
Instead of the normal prayer-revelation-leadership format, I’m going to share three reflections with you to help you make the most out of the opportunity that lies before us.
I have deliberately chosen not to focus on specific details of all the individual things that can be done in this time because such information is well-known or already widely available.
Don’t forget that that the very reason laylatul-qadr is “better than a thousand months” (97:3) is because “We sent it down in laylatul-qadr” (97:1).
‘It’ here refers to revelation, to the Qur’an. Some say that it means that the entire revelation was assembled in the lowest heaven before being disseminated in parts over the 23 years of the prophetic mission. Others say it refers to the first time revelation was sent down.
In any case, it’s a reminder of the weight and importance of the Qur’an. God even describes it as a “heavy message” (73:5).
So in addition to reciting meaningfully during the coming nights, please make a commitment in these very same nights to learn and live by revelation in the coming months.
Anyone who seeks out the special night is effectively displaying their reverence for revelation. If that’s not followed up by a genuine, ongoing engagement with the Qur’an after Ramadan is over, then it somewhat undermines our search.
One understanding of the meaning of laylatul-qadr is the Night of Power. It’s powerful because it’s a celebration of the descent of revelation, because of the great blessings it contains and the huge rewards for sincere worshippers.
If it’s the Night of Power, then let’s make our worship truly powerful. That means making it meaningful and connecting deeply with our Lord.
In addition to joining congregations and reading from lists of supplications, don’t overlook the huge benefits of periods of isolation with your Lord during the night and communicating with Him naturally in your own language.
Raise your hands and express your praise, show your gratitude, share your struggles, make your requests… all from the bottom of your heart.
An additional understanding of the meaning of laylatul-qadr is the Night of Decree or the Night of Destiny. This aspect of its significance is forgotten by many but really adds to the urgency and importance of the night in question.
We know that it is a night “on which the angels and the Spirit (Gabriel) descend by permission of their Lord for every decreed matter” (97:4) and also that it is a night “in which every matter of wisdom is ordained” (44:4).
It is understood that on this night, the destiny of each individual is sealed for the upcoming year. The matter of qadr is one of the most mysterious and mind-boggling ones in life, a matter on which many scholars would say that the less said the better!
But being conscious of the fact that there is a last chance to shift your fate for the months ahead with your worship and supplications on the Night of Decree or Destiny is very motivating.
On a personal note, I have found myself making many of my important life decisions in the last ten days and nights of Ramadan. I usually feel a clarity in this period that I don’t tend to find in the same way at other times.
So perhaps it’s worth accompanying your devotional acts with some serious resolutions for your life after Ramadan. They could well become part of your destiny…
I ask the Most Merciful to shower you with His mercy.
I ask the Most Forgiving to grant you complete forgiveness.
I ask the One who decrees all matters to decree the very best for you and your family in this life and the next.
Oh, and please don’t forget me in your prayers too!
Just a quick reminder, if you’d like to make a contribution to support the mission to help thousands of fellow believers lead more God-centred lives, you can do so now here.
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Have a blessed fortnight. I'll see you in two Fridays, God willing

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